Why Disconnecting From Your Blog Could Be More Productive

Disconnecting from the blog could be productive, at least in my case.  I didn’t leave all my social media channels.  I cut back and used Instagram to stay connected with you.  I love blogging and staying in touch with brands and readers.  Writing my blog has introduced me to a world of design and fabulous friends and I feel blessed.

Why did I do it?  You know how at the beginning of the New Year you set goals?  I found myself  in the third quarter and not checking any of my goals on the list.

  •  Design a table for non-profit
  •  Have a pop-up shop
  •  Develop a product line
  •  Write a book
  • Travel

vintage finds ivydeleon.com

Of course, I wanted to sit on my computer and blog about what was on my mind, events, etc.  I was sad for a few days, but I stayed focused on other parts of my life, including my family.  As I did a  little less blogging, opportunities started opening. This weekend I had my first vintage market pop-up shop.

My blog was nominated for Best USA Interiors Blog.



Come December, I will be designing a tabletop for the Hope Lodge Bash to benefit the Cancer Society.  (more to come).

Holiday Bash for Hope Lodge NYC Ivy de Leon Hope Lodge Bash NYC

So you see, disconnecting from the blog could be productive.  The best part,  I get to share my journey with you.   Let’s stay connected.  Follow me on Instagram,  Twitter, and FaceBook @idhomedecor.  You could always catch up with me there, when I’m not here.   Check my monthly post on the HomeGoods Blog. We have great decorating and holiday ideas to share with you.

As always, thank you for stopping by.

Ivy de Leon

About Ivy de Leon

From decorating and home staging to entertaining and gardening, I enjoy bringing traditional style to each project. I love to combine new and vintage market finds to create elevated and inviting spaces for today's modern lifestyle. CONTACT: IVY@IVYDELEON.COM
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