Thrifting Tips

Autum is approaching.  Soon the weather will be cool and the kids back in school.  It is the time of year people sort through summer and fall items and set up yard sales.  If  you enjoy the thrill of finding hidden treasure, DIY projects, and re-purposing,  here a few tips before you head out the door.

  1. Pack a large bag and measuring tape, bring newspaper to wrap delicate items, and cash (lots of small bills).
  2. If you’re looking for a great selection, arrive early — an hour before.  Arriving late will give you less of a selection, but you might get a better price. Prices often fall  later in the day.
  3.  Bring hand wipes for your hands.  You are on a hunt.  Things are sometimes dusty.
  4. Don’t haggle when you know it’s a fair price.

If you need help  finding tag sales, get an App. like  Tag Sell It.  You may want to do some on-line thrifting.  Apps like OfferUp, help buyers looking to land a deal in the Seattle area.  OfferUp is an iPhone mobile app that allows sellers to simply snap a picture, post it up for sale in under one minute and items are immediately posted on the OfferUp mobile marketplace and website without anyone ever needing to connect to a computer.  Sellers can chose to post the listing on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest or just send out an email to a few people or groups.  Happy hunting.

Thanks for stopping by.


About Ivy de Leon

From decorating and home staging to entertaining and gardening, I enjoy bringing traditional style to each project. I love to combine new and vintage market finds to create elevated and inviting spaces for today's modern lifestyle. CONTACT: IVY@IVYDELEON.COM
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