Pineapples are a symbol of hospitality. I often see carved-wood finials of pineapples on fence posts throughout New England. They are so charming. We live in a Cape-Cod style house so I wanted to duplicate a similar look for the autumn season. What better way to welcome guest with faux pineapple finials using pumpkins. Don’t have a gate; put them in urns by the front door. Faux pineapple finials look great indoors, as well, on the kitchen table or fireplace mantel.
This D-I-Y project is easy and inexpensive. Materials: 2 oval-shaped pumpkins/boxwood branches/twine or floral wire/2 battery tea lights/pencil
- Cut a small hole in the bottom of the pumpkin.
- Scoop out the seeds and the pulp.
- Mark a diamond design on the front and sides of each pumpkin.
- Cut pattern into the flesh of the pumpkin, but not all the way through.
- In the middle of each diamond, carve a small downward pointing triangle. Cut deep, but not all the way through.
- Gather boxwood clippings and tie together with twine or floral wire. Cut a hole on the top of each pumpkin to hold the boxwood bundles.
- Put the battery operated tea light into each pumpkin.
- Place the gathered boxwood bundles on the top of the pumpkin through the hole. Scrape more flesh, if needed, to allow the light to show through the pumpkin.
PS: Pardon the gate paint. I am looking forward to lighting up my D-I-Y faux pineapple finials tonight. Thanks for stopping by.