Good morning all! August is here! Can you believe it. Where did July go? It has been very hot here until last week when we had cooler temps. I started attending to the flower beds. Wisteria was growing out of control. Some weeds were as tall as flowers. What started out as a few minutes of weeding quickly became two days. I immediately got sick with a summer cold which took me out for another three days. Before I knew, the week had gone by with no blog post and little done at home.
There are small lessons in ordinary days. The Wisteria shrub was growing at a few inches a day it seemed. I passed by it a several times a day. I really didn’t want to deal with it. I wanted to delay cutting it back because I was wishing it would produce flowers. What I learned, if it’s not producing results, cut it back. The Wisteria shrub looks healthy again and cutting it back was exactly what it needed. Wisteria plants can take 5 to 15 years to produce flowers. Life lessons come when we least expect, but need it most.
As I enjoy the last few weeks of summer and return to regular schedules and routines, it is worth evaluating what’s not working and what needs to be done to get results and who will stick by to support and encourage set goals. Gardening is good for the soul, but like anything else, too much too soon has its drawbacks.
Thanks for stopping by.